Thursday, February 11, 2010

Neck Deep!

The snow drifts are taller than I am in places and the ground is bare in places. I'm taking pictures, but I have no way to upload right now. The wind just keeps blowing. When Lydia has her morning nap, I'm going to go out and see if I can find a route to the wood pile since the driveway is impassable. Maybe I'll take the boys with me. Yesterday William said, "Will we ever be able to go outside again?" They were itching to get out since the large box that they were using as a livingroom slide broke, causing some tears. They were sad until they realized they could still get inside the box and roll it around the livingroom.


sarah said...

Why can't you upload???

Bekah Miller said...

We used our printer to upload photos, but it broke and our new printer doesn't do that and I have no cable.