Friday, May 23, 2008

Did you ever get sent to the corner as a kid? Well, that's where we send William when he gets crying for no good reason (mini temper tantrum?). The idea is that it's no fun to cry in the corner while the rest of the world keeps going. It works and he calms rather quickly (he's not allowed out until he can show me a pleasant look on his face). Well, Brian has been fascinated by this and would like to stand in the corner with William. Of course I can't let him and he was rather upset this afternoon that I made him move, so when William came out of the corner, I sent Brian there - not as a punishment or anything, but because I knew he would LIKE it. He was happy to comply and went and PRETENDED TO CRY in the corner!!!! I just about fell over laughing. Such a little actor! I'm sure he won't be so happy the first time he gets sent to the corner for real.
William is really into building with his legos. He builds incredible little things! They make all kinds of moving parts on legos now, so he can build a working excavator. The pieces are teeny tiny and get lost pretty easily, but he just substitutes other pieces and keeps building. His instructions have been missing too, but that hasn't slowed him down a bit. He can still build all the same little machines in almost the same way.
The boys had a nice treat this Thursday morning. I had to go into town to get some chicken feed. Just as I got to Carlisle, my dad called and said he was just driving through in his truck. We met at a truck stop and the boys got to see Grandpa for a few minutes. They also got to go in his truck and see the load in the back. Brian cried when Grandpa drove away without him. I think he really wanted to ride in the truck. William was being a little reserved - and also busy enjoying his new sunglasses.
William's question yesterday, "Is our baby coming soon?" - I wish.
William's question today, "Is your tummy bigger now?" - My pants are getting tighter!

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