Sunday, November 2, 2008

The funny things they say!

Tonight we read about the Israelites moving camp after being at Mt. Sinai for one year. We talked about how they traveled for three days before they stopped. I mentioned to William that it would take a day for use to walk to Carlisle if we had to take a lot of stuff with us. He asked me why the Israelites didn't have any roads. "Because they didn't have cars to drive on the roads."
William asked, "When are we going to read the Bible story about when they made cars?"
Brian and William have fun yelling, "boo!" and tell me they are scaring monsters away. This has been a fun game for them for weeks, but I think Brian's imagination is getting the better of him. He won't go into a darkened room until he scares the monsters out and asks for the light on. Tonight he came to get me and told me there was a monster in his room. I said, "There's a monster in your room?!" thinking he was playing. He about jumped on my lap and held me tight, terrified that there really was a monster there!!! I keep telling him, "There are no monsters anywhere! God didn't make any! Mommy, Daddy, and God will keep you safe." I'll have to tell William not to play monsters anymore.

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