Thursday, September 17, 2009

She's Talking.....

.... with her hands! Lydia said, "all done," and "more" today. She was very pleased with herself. It is very useful since she wnats to eat everything we do. She kept saying "more" for applesauce and cheese and her brothers we excited for her. Of course she loved the attention.

We had ice cream the other day. William insisted on finishing cleaning up before he would come for ice cream. Brian wanted more and I told him we needed to save some for tomorrow. He announced, "I don't want ice cream tomorrow!" Curt said, "Funny children!"

William giggled. Brian, puzzled, said, "Where?"

Brian is interested in puzzles now. We have a book of Tonka Truck puzzles and he can do them all (35pc). William still loves maps and spends a lot of time reading and writing. Today he read a few books to Brian and then helped him do StarFall - a website that teaches phonics. Brian likes to do the school things that William does, so I always try to find something he can do too.

Though William is super smart about many things, we are trying to not make a big deal of it. Don't want it to go to his head. He was almost apalled that Brian can't read! He doesn't remember learning to read and didn't realize it was something that had to be learned.

The boys were playing with cars in a waiting room yesterday. A man asked William if he liked Lightning McQueen. William asked who that was. The man said, "Have you seen the movie, Cars?" William said, "Well, yes, but I don't really like it. I like to do Legos, and read books, and write." I'm sure he can come across as being odd at times, but we like it that way!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

We Miss Daddy!

Curt's driving truck again and we all miss having him home. The boys especially miss his bedtime stories and I miss his putting them to bed for me. Sometimes the days just drag when he is away..... Yes, today is dragging.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

In alphabetical order.....

Yes, William now recites all 50 states in alphabetical order...... in under a minute. This he learned by looking at the state flags on the back of his placemat - of course listed alphabetically. So now he wants to learn the countries of the world. He's given up on alphabetical and has been writing them by region in his notebook so he can study them. I don't think he's quite normal, but we love him.
Today Brian started pronouncing his "L" sound. He says, "I would lllllike _________," and smiles, pleased with himself.
Lydia started waving bye-bye yesterday and is getting more sociable by the day. Still not crawling. Every time I get her on hands and knees, she pushes back until she is sitting.