Lydia was born at 2:43pm on Jan. 2nd 2009. She weighed a healthy 7lb 15oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. Check out the hair! She came rather quickly as I was in labor less than four hours, but we did make it to the hospital in plenty of time - despite an unpleasant drive getting there.
Of course my parents were disappointed that they missed all the action as they left for home the morning she was born, but my dad may be here tomorrow night (trying to get a truck load out here) and Mom is flying out on the 13th.
Lydia is a squeaky baby. Lots of little noises and a squeaky little cry. She's nursing well and is healthy. Brian loves to hold her and William is a big help. He helps with laundry and setting table and runs to get things for me. Enjoy the pictures!
We now also have a five year old in the house! I can hardly believe William is that old! His new passion is numbers and he is constantly thinking of math problems. He taught himself subtraction and multiplication and loves large numbers. Numbers like 999,999,999,999,999,999 - And he can name them correctly! At night I can hear him whispering math problems to himself as he falls asleep. He's just a little bit like my dad.
Brian is still the little social boy. He LOVED having Grandparents visit (both sets since Nov.) and really enjoys having Aunt Sarah and Uncle Ben around. He likes to help take care of Joshua (3 mos.) and helps entertain him. He'll run and get anything you need for a baby. He's also become quite independent and wants to everything himself, whether he is able or not.